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Castaway Kid, by r.b. mitchell is a book of hope. Even so, with recent furors over memoirs that have contained questionable “facts,” it is valid to ask whether Castaway Kid really is a true story. This website is intended to allow readers of Castaway Kid to view the documents that support the validity of the events in the book.

Why "A Million Little Proofs?"
words from the author, r.b. mitchell

Speaking at a fundraiser for the Covenant Children’s Home in the early 1990s, the director said that having never been a ward of the state, I had full access to my caseworker files. I tagged a number of documents for my records, often thinking, If you ever wrote a book, people would think you made this up.

But all the events occurred. They’ve been recalled not only as faithfully as I can remember, but also as other adults involved have remembered and documented in caseworker notes, recorded interviews and my grandmother Gigi’s journal.

So they can tell their own story when and if they choose, I did not use the names of most kids in the orphanage except one with permission. No names in the book are made up, though a few are nicknames.

I’ve been told I have an unusually accurate memory. No one’s recollection is perfect, of course, but the dialogue in this book is in keeping with the essence of each situation and as close to word-for-word as possible. All the living adults who are quoted and whom I’ve been able to reach have confirmed my memories of the events in which they were involved.

Castaway Kid Copyright © 2007 by r.b. mitchell | All rights reserved. International copyright secured.
A Focus on the Family ® book published by Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188
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Castaway Kid by r.b. mitchell